Photos by Paco Justicia Cazorla
Light: the essence of life and the source of growth. Darkness: a departure or arrival point for life or dead. Surprise: the factor of destiny or karma. Alejandro was invited to 22cubic residency at Materic in Barcelona where he researched the universal darkness, light and surprise. During his creative process he studied and played with the light already in the gallery coming from the street. He then built a dark cube and stayed inside for many hours isolated with no contact to the outside world and no light stimuli apart from the visions seeked from the inside. During this process he questioned himself: How far can we go? Where does our body, spirit and mind ends? What exists at the edge of everything? Is there such thing as body’s limits, gender limits, lifestyle limits, perception limits and even the limits of love itself? |
The artists elaborated this text shared during the performance:
“ Nigrum, Nigrius, Nigro” El deseo de ver Miedo de la muerte Lo que está dentro está fuera y lo que está afuera esta adentro. Porque el negro es tan prejuiciado ? El mundo invertido La profundidad de la perspectiva el abismo Azul. Amarilo. El sol es obscuro, sus rayos son obscuros y la luz es su revés. Los obscuros y la luz es su revés. Los rayos amarillos son apenas lo que el sol nos envía. La profundidade de una imagen nos lleva a participar de la profundidad de nuestro ser. El devaneo. El negrume secreto de leche. (Poem based on extracts from the book: La Terre Et Les Rêveries Du Repos, 1948. Bachelard, Gaston.) |
Alejandro met brazilian artist Lola Lustosa in Morni Hills Performance Biennale in India, since then they begun an artistic partnership. During 22cubic Alejandro´s residency he invited her to co-create this public performance for which she also conceived an installation of prismatic lights and its perspectives.
They offered an interactive performance piece that invites the audience into a cosmic experience of time travel. Everyone comes into a dark degrade space followed by a pitch black cube. This performance creates an space where the public experiences multiple emotions and surprises, photo memories from the prismatic lights, displacement from its own body and ultimately embracing complete darkness in collective breathing.
For this collaboration Lola Lustosa counted with support from Graner in Barcleona.
They offered an interactive performance piece that invites the audience into a cosmic experience of time travel. Everyone comes into a dark degrade space followed by a pitch black cube. This performance creates an space where the public experiences multiple emotions and surprises, photo memories from the prismatic lights, displacement from its own body and ultimately embracing complete darkness in collective breathing.
For this collaboration Lola Lustosa counted with support from Graner in Barcleona.
Interview about this artwork and its creative process. by Taquilla Inversa in Catalan TV.